Sunday, July 05, 2015

Liturgy w/communion for July 12, 2015 (Pentecost 7/Trinity 6/Proper 10/Ordinary 15 - B)

Texts: 2 Samuel 6:1-5, 12b-19; Psalm 24; Ephesians 1:3-14; Mark 6:14-29

Call to Worship
In Jesus Christ, the Child of God, we hear, and see,
the Word of peace, which is for all people:
we gather to tell the world that peace is God's will for us.
In Jesus Christ, Redeemer of all creation, we hear, and see,
the healing of the broken, which is for all people:
we gather to proclaim the good news of God's faithfulness and justice.
In Jesus Christ, our Lord, our Brother, we hear, and see,
the inheritance of God, which is for all people:
we gather to share with our sisters and brothers this glorious grace we have received.

Prayer of the Day
In the chorus
of the cardinal and turtledove,
all creation sings your praise:
Giver of Grace.
Steadfast love whispers to us
on the breezes of summer,
while faithfulness runs barefoot
in the backyards of our hearts,
calling to us to come play forever
in your fields of peace.

Justice calls to our souls,
Plumb Line of Peace,
daring us to reach out
to the broken, the hungry,
the needy, the hopeless:
to share with them
the rich inheritance
of acceptance and healing
which has been given to us.

The evensong of the frogs
in summer's gentle mist
lullabies us in the gentleness
of your steadfast love,
Spirit of God:
cradling us in your grace
and healing us with your peace.

God in Community, Holy in One,
we lift our praise to you as we pray
as Jesus has taught us, saying,
(The Lord’s Prayer)

Call to Reconciliation
Peace is the heirloom promised to us, forgiveness is the inheritance passed on to us through Christ.  May we know God's peace, and be healed of our brokenness, as we confess our sins to God, saying,

Unison Prayer for Forgiveness
   Why are we always willing to descend into the worst areas life offers to us, but reluctant to come into your presence, Holy One?  How can we stand on sin's shaky foundations, yet find it impossible to dance in your joy?  Why are we so quick to trumpet our hollow achievements, and do not seem to be able to hear your whispers of hope for us?
    Forgive us, Grace's Glory, and fill us with your mercy.  May we set our hope in Jesus Christ, who came so we might become your children, inheritors of love, peace, and faithfulness forever.

Silence is kept

Assurance of Pardon
In Christ, God's salvation has come; God's peace kisses our cheeks, wiping away our tears, and faithfulness takes us by the hand to lead us home to God.
God has called us, God has claimed us, and God has redeemed us.  This is good news for all of creation!  Thanks be to God.  Amen.

Prayer of Dedication
In this company of seekers, we find our inheritance – the deep richness of God’s grace.  With this company of seekers, we offer our gifts, so that others might be able to set their hopes on Christ, with whom we are all blessed by God.  Amen.

Great Prayer of Thanksgiving
May the peace of God be with all the saints gathered at this Table.
And also with you.
As God blesses us with these gifts, let us offer our hearts.
We open them, that God may bless us at this meal.
Let us sing and dance our way to the Table of grace!
We join in the celebration of all who have received this inheritance!

Gathering up all that is good and beautiful,
God of all wonder and glory,
you shaped the universe and all that is in it:
soft summer breezes dancing across verdant plains,
snow-capped mountains
   reflecting the sunrise each new morning.
It was your good pleasure
to create us in your image,
it was your glorious grace
that filled us with your life.
Yet, seeing the dazzling seductions
offered by sin and death,
we rushed back to you, imploring
you to give us our every desire.
Deeply grieved by our rebellion,
you sent the company of prophets
to lead us back to your heart,
but we continued to dance
with the wrong partners.
In the fullness of your wisdom,
you sent Jesus, to seek our faces,
and to turn us back to you.

So now, with those who praise you
with song and silence, with tambourines and organs,
we proclaim the riches of your grace:

Holy, holy, holy, God who has blessed us with Christ!
All creation is yours,
    for the riches of your grace are poured upon it.
Holy, holy, holy!  Just and merciful are you,
God in Community, Holy in One!

Holy indeed are you, God of every blessing,
and blameless is Jesus Christ, your Beloved.
He sets free all imprisoned
by their fears, as well as their past.
He proclaims good news to the poor,
and challenges the rich to generous lives.
He gave himself into death's hands
and was laid into a cold tomb.
He leaped from the grave,
teaching us resurrection's dance.

We offer our songs of joy to you, knowing
that whenever we eat the bread and share the cup,
we live out that mystery we call faith:

Holy, he humbled himself with our death;
blameless, he was raised to new life;
gracious, he will return in the fullness of time.

Pour out your Holy Spirit upon us, we pray,
as you gather us all in this place.
As we take and taste
the Bread of Heaven,
may its brokenness become our healing,
that we may become hope
to a world shattered by fear.
As we share the Cup,
may its grace become our fullness,
that we might empty ourselves
to become blessings to those who long
for peace and reconciliation in their lives.

And when all time has been fulfilled
and you gather up all your children to yourself,
with clean hands and pure hearts
we will gather around your Table in glory,
singing our praises to you through all eternity,
God in Community, Holy in One.  Amen.

We are sent by God, to be God’s people in the world.
We will go to sing of God’s joy and hope to all.
We are called by Christ, adopted into God’s gracious family.
We will go to share the good news of Christ’s grace for everyone.
We are chosen by the Spirit to care for and serve creation.
We will go to join hands with our sisters and brothers in every moment.

© 2015 Thom M. Shuman